Summer internship evaluated through objective structured clinical examination for the first time
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The third and fourth year students from Faculty of Medicine No. 1 of ”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, who completed their summer practical internship in medical institutions of the capital and district centers, are evaluated in terms of practical skills at the University Center for Simulation in Medical Training (CUSIM). In total, 1300 medical students will be assessed as regards their dexterities in patient care and nursing, between November 8 and December 3, 2021.
Andrei Romancenco, CUSIM director, has mentioned that the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is implemented as an evaluation method recommended by the World Federation for Medical Education - an objective established in the Strategic Plan for the University Development between 2021-2030 in the teaching activity area. The OSCE implementation is carried out in collaboration with the Teaching and Academic Management Department and the Dean's Office of Faculty of Medicine No. 1.
For this exam, the Center’s medical bioengineers have created and applied a special software, which allows students to register and be automatically directed to one of the 8 offices arranged for examination. ”It is a way in which the student has no contact with the teacher, comes directly to the examination room with or without a standardized patient, performs the practical task displayed on the office door in five minutes maximum and leaves. On the opposite side of the screen, the examiners evaluate the medical students according to a checklist”, pointed out Andrei Romancenco.
Before the exam, students are informed about the procedure. They must carefully read the tasks displayed on the door of the office to which they were directed and replicate as accurately as possible the task, possibly commenting on each action.
Vitalie Chiosa, coordinator of practical internships at the University, has stressed that this type of examination is recommended worldwide, but for this contingent of students it is launched for the first time.
”Last summer, medical students completed their internship: three weeks in the field of patient care and four weeks in the nursing area. Students have been trained at first and, as a result, they developed these skills. Now some of them are present in our stations. Examiners - teachers and Associate Professors who coordinated the practical internships of students - are divided in two teams and monitor them remotely. The mark obtained at this exam is announced the next day and is taken into account when establishing the final mark”, added the coordinator.
Alina Gasca, a third year student, was impressed by the way she was examined and the interesting experience she had, mentioning that for her the tasks were very easy. The student claims that it would be great to create conditions similar to those at CUSIM in medical institutions as well.
Elias Abu Sholdom completed his internship at a hospital in his home country, Israel. The student states that he had an interesting experience after which he began to feel a greater responsibility towards patients. As regards the exam, the foreign student was optimistic, expressing his conviction that he clearly demonstrated the skills he had acquired.
In the opinion of Sorin Cenusa, a medical student, the OSCE is a good exam, as it does not impose the pressure of an examiner and students are comfortable presenting the maneuvers and respecting the protocol.
Iustina Sarbu, a fourth year student, carried out her 2-week practical internship at Floresti District Hospital in different units. The student expressed her gratitude to teachers and hospital’s medical workers who, patiently, helped her to master many maneuvers and successfully complete her practical internship.
The following tasks are to be performed at the OSCE exam by students: measuring heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, peripheral blood, patient body mass and height, body temperature in the axillary fossa; calculation of body mass index, medical hand washing procedure, dressing and undressing with non-sterile gowns and non-sterile gloves etc.
The University Center for Simulation in Medical Training began its activity in February, 2013 and it represents a subdivision of the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu”. It was founded in accordance with the Development Program for the Medical and Pharmaceutical Education from the Republic of Moldova for 2011-2020, with the financial support from the European Union, aiming to strengthen and edify the European area of knowledge and quality assurance in education and the modern medical practice.
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